With this post, the blog of the Canadian Association for American Studies is up and running! Jason Haslam, intrepid (?!) webmaster and VP, here. While we are still getting all of the bells and whistles in place, and working on the final format of the blog, new information will now be posted regularly.
What will this information be? We want the blog to be a clearing-house for the work being done in American Studies, as it is happening in Canada and elsewhere around the globe. We’ll soon be starting a weekly Calls for Papers post, to which will be added a Job Advertisement series (when “in season” so to speak), as well as news about the Association, our conference, and more general items of interest to the field.
As time goes on, we hope to add to the variety of the content: live blogging the annual CAAS conference, guest bloggers, and some posts on the history of the Association itself (including interviews with founders, past presidents, and other items).
If you have any ideas or suggestions for what we could cover on the blog, please don’t hesitate to post them in the comments thread, or email them to yours truly at webmaster@american-studies.ca.
Feel free to suggest links, too!