
Acting President: Ross Bullen (OCAD U)
Vice-President: Peter Robert Brown (Mount Allison U)
Past President: Ross Bullen (OCAD U)
Past President at Large: Jennifer Harris (U of Waterloo)
Graduate Student Representative: Dakota Pinheiro (U of Waterloo)
Secretary: Jessica Hawkes (Dalhousie U) 
Treasurer: Priscilla L. Walton (Carleton U)
Digital Communications Officer: Katrina Younes (Western U)
Pacific Representative: Craig Stensrud (UBC)
Prairies Representative: Lindsey Banco (U Saskatchewan)
Ontario Representative: Melissa Gniadek (U of Toronto)
Quebec Representative: Nicola Nixon (Concordia U)
Atlantic Representative: Helen Pinsent (Dalhousie U)
United States Representative: Brian Jansen (U of Maine)
Member-at-Large: David Hollingshead (MacEwan U)
Member-at-Large: Brad Congdon (U Saskatchewan)
Member-at-Large: David Mitterauer (Western U)
Member-at-Large: Bernadette Russo (Mount Saint Vincent U)
Member-at-Large: Luke Bresky (St. Mary’s U)
Editor, Canadian Review of American Studies (ex-officio): Priscilla L. Walton (Carleton U)