Books of Note: Cold War Social Science: Knowledge Production, Liberal Democracy, and Human Nature

Cold War Social Science: Knowledge Production, Liberal Democracy, and Human Nature

Cold War Social Science: Knowledge Production, Liberal Democracy, and Human Nature

Mark Solovey and Hamilton Cravens, eds.

Palgrave Macmillan, 2012

From World War II to the early 1970s, American social science research expanded in dramatic and unprecedented fashion. This volume offers fascinating perspectives on the rise of U.S. practitioners as global leaders in the field, exploring how, why, and with what consequences this rapid and yet contested expansion depended on the entanglement of the social sciences with Cold War politics. Utilizing the controversial but useful concept of ‘Cold War social science,’ the histories gathered here reveal how scholars from established disciplines and new interdisciplinary fields of study made important contributions to long-standing debates about knowledge production, liberal democracy, and human nature.

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